Everyone has mental challenges in life. What do you put in place to deal with them?
In Together in Care #2, theatre makers Albert Matil and Brecht Hermans explore what resources we have at our disposal to strengthen our mental well-being. They developed a prototype toolbox full of small exercises and games to experience silence, express emotions, get acquainted. In February 2025, they will start working with visitors to Theatre Zuidplein and the neighbourhood around the theatre to discover which tools work for them and which tools they use themselves to strengthen their mental health. At the end of the study, Albert and Brecht will give a workshop after which others can also get started with the toolkit.
Want to experience Together in Care #2? We can be found:
Thu 13 and Fri 14 February (13:30 - 15:30) in the foyer of Theater Zuidplein
Thu 20, Fri 21 and Sat 22 February in the neighbourhood around Theater Zuidplein
- On Wednesday 26 February you can take part in our Together in Care workshop from 14:00 to 16:00 in Theater Zuidplein in the studio Balkon op Zuid
Thu 27 and Fri 28 February (13:30 - 15:30) in the foyer of Theater Zuidplein
For the workshop on 26 February, please register via
Concept and performance: Albert Matil and Brecht Hermans
Dramaturgy: Céline Buren
Design and costume: Geertje Geurtsen
Photography: Moon Saris
Production: Laura Holleman and Lina Monte
Coaching: Milou Brockhus
Together in Care #2 is part two from the Together in Care research project. More about part 1 can be found here.
Together in Care is supported by Lab-Z and Fonds Podiumkunsten.

Samen in Zorg wordt ondersteund door Lab-Z en Fonds Podiumkunsten.