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"a performance that makes you think"
(Willem Bruring in The World of Willem)

How does a mental challenge become your strength?
What is the spiritual significance of psychosis?
How do you start a conversation no one dares to have?

Sisters Anastasia and Imca both work in healthcare:
one as an expert by experience, the other as a care worker.
Brecht's mother spent some time in psychiatry.
Rohiet's mother is a nurse.

Together, these four people explore how to talk about mental vulnerability. How do you give the subject space when there seems to be no place for it in everyday life. Can art be the start of our conversation?

Together in Care is an investigation into how we can carry mental health care together. The project consists of 3 performances that can be seen in season 2024-2025 at different locations in Rotterdam. This is part 1.



Theater Rotterdam made the clip above for Open Table: Do you care?, a conversation evening on the state of health care in the Netherlands. 



Together in Care #1 performed on location at De Kaai, the old margarine and peanut butter factory in Rotterdam-Feijenoord on November 16, 22, 24, 29 and December 1, 2024.

From and with: Anastasia Bendt, Imca Bendt, Brecht Hermans and Rohiet Tjon Poen Gie
Dramaturgy: Céline Buren
Directing assistant: Albert Matil
Stage design: Geertje Geurtsen
Lighting design: Nienke Krikke
Technician: Jasper de Groot
Coaching: Milou Brockhus
Production: Ivo Gort and Lina Monte
Photography: Moon Saris

In the press

  • NRC interviewed Brecht and two other theatre makers about psychological vulnerability in theatre.  Read the article here.

  • A review in De Wereld van Willem and audience reactions can be found here.

  • Brecht was a guest of the Dokhuis and Nivoz Foundation for a workshop on theatre and encounter, after which he and two participants reflected on the workshop in the podcast Dokpraat. Listen here.



Samen in Zorg is supported by the Performing Arts Fund - New Makers Scheme and Lab-Z of Theater Zuidplein.


Brecht Hermans - Chamber of Commerce no.: 65898265 - VAT no.: NL002450373B54

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