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who I am
what I do
what I dream of

about embracing and encounters

closer than ever

a show on location by Paul Röttger

with singing, live music, circus arts, dance and film



Paul Röttger about Het gedroomde café :


who I am
I want to stand in the centre of society, but I also like to dream. Dream to lift me up from reality about which I am concerned. Society is become more silent, the distance to the other bigger. I see individuals and groups pull back and the places where you can meet the other disappear. More than ever I feel the need to dream together, to know what is going on in all those minds.


what I do
I make theatre to show my dreams and ask questions. To make the spectator think and start conversations. We perform on location because I want to meet the city. Understanding begins with encounters.


what I dream of

Dreaming belongs to you, you give yourself the space to explore desires, stimulate creativity and process sadness. There’s less and less room for dreaming, because we make less time for things that aren’t measurable. I wish for a society in which we are allowed to dream and to discover the dreams of others. A place in which we can each other every possible question and tell each other every possible story.


Het gedroomde café

In Het gedroomde café we listen to each other’s stories and desires. The dreams of the other often touch our own dreams. The show is close to the skin and close to the heart: you get to know the performers from our company, you recognize yourself.

You become the other.



concept-director Paul Röttger

artistic support Raymond Colling
directing assistant Wilbert Slagboom
production manager Dominique Mol


film Corné Bouwmeester
vocal director Tom Jansen
live music Pascal Fontijn
choreography Jaakko Toivonen
circus arts Arjan Groenendijk


advice costume Roelie Westendorp
light design Paul van Laak
operators Dominique Mol & Wilbert Slagboom
advice operating WG theatertechniek


learnworkcoaches Imca Bendt, Rick Bouwens, Wilma O’Sullivan
PR & marketing Inge Spaander
finance & administration Rob van Heck
recruiting friends Alexander Heester


concept and design PR campagne Studio Lonne Wennekendonk
photography campagne image Marieke Odekerken
photography Carel van Hees
organization school performances Bram Legerstee

bar and housekeeping Hans Breebaart, Yolanda Niël, Harvey Rijkland
cooking Bram Legerstee
volunteers Erick Eckhardt, Jacco v/d Vegte, Jordy Ruhl


Rick Bouwens
Corné Bouwmeester
Diana Coolen
Chico Drenthe
Grace Emer
Arjan Groenendijk
Brecht Hermans
Serge Hogenbirk
Pascal Fontijn
Tom Jansen
Bram Legerstee
Merel Mathijssen
Patricia Oskam
Claudine Panthophlet
Terence Patra
Stijn Quist
Saskia Spierenburg
Paulus Thelen
Jaakko Toivonen
Jos Tournier
Christien Wagener


With thanks to :  Doopsgezinde Gemeente Rotterdam


This production is financially supported by: Gemeente Rotterdam, Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, VSB fonds

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