How do you live, how would you like to live and what do you think of the contact with your neighbors? Six actors of Theater Babel Rotterdam answer these questions in the square performance 'Buren' (Neighbors). A frank encounter with an audience of passers-by and an invitation to share their own dreams for living.
One of the actors is Ali. Ali sees only five percent and lives with his parents. Ali: "Actually I would like to live independently. But that also seems very scary to me. Will I have enough money? And what should I do when the food runs out?" Ali is always looking for a good balance between independence and security.
'Buren' was made in honor of the 95th anniversary of care organization Pameijer. The show was to play in July and August 2021 but was postponed due to the Corona measures in place at the time. New performance dates are planned for April and May 2022.
Directed by: Brecht Hermans
Text: Brecht and the actors
Costume: Surreal by Mau in collaboration with the actors
Acting: Ali Özdemir, Christien Wagener, Fons van de Moosdijk, Merel Mathijssen / Wilma O'Sullivan, Patrick Nassy, Sharoma Dhoen.
April 19, 2022: Eendrachtsplein, Rotterdam
April 21, 2022: Stationsplein, Rotterdam
April 22, 2022: Grotekerkplein, Rotterdam
May 17, 2022: Binnenrotte, Rotterdam
May 19, 2022: Park 1943, Rotterdam
May 20, 2022: Prins Alexanderplein, Rotterdam
We perform continuously between 13:30 and 14:30.